Flexible Package Contract for Domestic Workers

(Hourly - Day - Week - Month - Year)

Contract No
This Contract made between
First Party

Tadbeer Service Centre Name : Smart Global Domestic Workers Services Centre L.L.C

Represented By

Established No

Licence No



P.O Box



Second Party




Passport No





Preliminary Clause

Since the second party wishes to employ a domestic worker under the flexi package, he approached the first party and requested to provide him with a worker sponsored by the first party and will work under the supervision of the second party as per the approved procedures by MOHRE. The second party pledged to bear full responsibility for the worker from the date of receipt and pledged to return the worker to the first party once the agreed contract period ends or whenever requested

Clause (1): - “Subject of the contract”

The two parties agreed that the first party will provide a domestic worker under the flexible package which approved by the MOHRE, to assist and provide services to the second party as assigned and within the scope of his work in the profession of ............................. This against agreed fees for providing the services, and the worker’s data is as follows

Details of the worker (the subject of the contract)





Marrital Status


Passport No


Clause (2): "Duration of the contract"

The two parties agreed that the contract will be under the .......................................................................... package, starting from ( _________________ ) and ending on ( _________________ ). It is renewable for a similar period or periods, in accordance with the service fees announced for offers/discounts at the time of renewal, provided that the second party notifies the first party at least one week before the contract's expiration

Clause (3): “Contract Value”

The second party acknowledges that the service fees under the Flexi Package system (hour/day/week/month/year) for utilizing the domestic worker subject to this contract are in accordance with the prices approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization, as per the following table:

SRDuration of the contract Total fees (VAT inclusive)
14 hours126
28 hours210
3Weekly(7 days) 1176
4Weekly(7 days) 1176
56 months3412.5 monthly
612 months3150 monthly


The first party agreed to provide a special discount, with a commitment to complete the contract mentioned period, therefore the total amount of the contract became ( ________________ ) AED


The second party pledged to complete the full contract period and to pay its value in (cash - cheques - card) on a monthly or quarterly basis


The second party agreed to deposits a (cheque/cash) equal to the value of one month fee as guarantee, which will be refund at the end of the contract if there’s no any financial obligations

Clause (4): Recruitment Office Obligations (First Party)


Guarantee the provision of the above-mentioned domestic worker's services under the (flexible package) to the second party


Ensure the worker's health fitness and professional competence for the required work


Paying the monthly salary of the domestic worker, in addition to the rest of any legal dues for the worker


Commitment to replace the worker with another worker with the same qualifications and experience in case the worker is absent or refuses to work within 48 hrs from the time the second party notifies


Replace the worker with another whenever necessary during the contract period, as the second party has the right to replace the worker throughout the contract period if he desires (in case the worker is not suitable for the work conditions he was requested)


Compensating the second party for what the worker causes damage or destruction of the second party’s property, after the worker’s conviction proven by the legal authorities, by deducting from the worker’s wages not exceeding 25%, with the approval of the worker or with the approval of the Ministry if the he refuses the deduction


Provide the awareness to the workers and informing them about the cultures and traditions of society in UAE, and providing the necessary training for to carry out the work duties


Providing health insurance card for the worker according to the regulations enforced in UAE, give it to the second party upon request


Any other obligations imposed by the relevant legal systems in force at the Ministry


The first party is required to educate the domestic worker about their contractual rights and obligations, as well as the culture and traditions of the society. However, if the worker engages in any individual actions that violate the laws, customs, or traditions. such as theft, assaulting persons, invasion of privacy, or causing damage to property, etc. the domestic worker alone shall bear full responsibility for any of these actions (if they occur). The second party has the right to take the legal measures in force in the country against them, without holding the first party responsible towards other parties

Clause (5): Employer’s Obligations (Second Party)


Pay the agreed contract value on the specified dates as indicated in the third clause of this contract


Treat the worker with respect, preserving his dignity and physical safety, and refrain from employing the worker elsewhere or in a profession different from his nature of work


Providing the requirements for performing the work and preparing a suitable place for the worker to live, and providing the basic needs of meals and uniform which suitable for performing the work


Notify the first party of any violations that may committed by the worker, in order to take the necessary measures against him


Provide the opportunity for the domestic worker to use the phone daily to contact with his family, Allowing the first party to continues communicate with the worker throughout the contract period


Inform the first party about any change in the home address or contact numbers throughout the contract period within 24 hours


Notify the first party if the worker runaway or refuses to work within 24 hour, handover the worker’s belongings to the first party


Commit to provide health care to the domestic worker throughout staying with him, and in the event of a health problem, emergency, or work injury, the second party must immediately send the worker to take the necessary health care at the nearest clinic or hospital, according to its medical insurance network system


The second party is obligated to notify the first party in the event of any need for the worker to travel outside UAE, while not allowing the worker to travel without obtaining a written approval from the first party, specifying the duration and destination of travel


Provide the first party with all information in the event that the domestic worker runaway, and sign a written declaration of that information whenever requested


If the worker's profession is a driver, the car delivered to him must has a valid license and to be insured


Commitment to ensure that the daily rest hours for the worker not less than 12 hours per day, with at least 8 hours continuous, with commitment to let the worker to take weekly day rest. The worker may be working on his rest day with a cash allowance to be paid by the second party equivalent to the wage comprehensive for this day unless agreed otherwise, in accordance with the Domestic Labor Law (Law No. 9 of 2022)


Any other obligations imposed by the relevant legal systems in force at the Ministry

Clause (6): "General obligations”


All fees stipulated in this contract must be paid in advance upon signing the contract, in cash, or PDC cheques according to the contracting system (monthly/quarterly/semi-annual/annual)


The second party has the right to replace the domestic worker with another alternative worker, or to refund the remaining, unused amounts in the event that services are not provided or the first party is unable to provide a replacement with same qualifications


The second party must hand over the domestic worker immediately after the end of the contract and the agreed period, as a delay fine will be imposed on the second party in the amount of (200 AED) for each day of delay in returning the domestic worker, or in case of delay in paying the dues on the specified dates


The first party has the right to retrieve the worker at any time, in case the second party violates any of the terms of the contract


The second party acknowledged and agreed that he (any member of his family) has no right to employ the worker or contract with him directly or indirectly, for a period of 2 years from the expiration date of this contract without written NOC from the first party, in case this happen, the second party must pay the recruitment fees determined by the first party, in addition the first party retaining his rights to demand the application of the penalty prescribed in Article 27, Clause 3 of the Domestic Workers Law No. 9 of 2022 for anyone facilitates a domestic worker to leave work or shelters him for the purpose of exploiting or employing him Illegally


A fine of 500 dirhams will be imposed on each returned payable check, and the first party has the right to take all necessary legal measures to guarantee his right and to demand the recovery of the domestic as soon as possible without referring to the second party

Clause 7: Settlement of Disputes”


In the event of a dispute between the two parties, the Ministry shall take whatever it deems appropriate to settle the matter by mutual consent, or refer it to the judiciary


if any difference in the interpretation or application of any clause of this contract, Arabic version shall prevail as official reference


Any external agreements related to the subject matter of this contract, whether prior or after its signing, shall not be considered


MOHRE has the right to take legal measures against the party who breach the contract according to the provisions of the relevant legal procedures and laws in force


Unless otherwise stipulated in this contract, the provisions of Federal Law No. (9) of 2022 regarding domestic workers, its executive regulations, and the rest of the applicable legal systems of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization in this regard apply, and the Dubai courts in the UAE are the competent authority to hear Any dispute related to this contract

Clause 8: Expiration or termination of the contract "


This contract expires at the agreed expiration date which is mentioned under second clause of this contract


Either party has the right to terminate the contract if the other party breaches any of the terms of the contract


In the event that the second party request to terminate the contract during its validity for reasons related to him, and does not accept to replace the worker, without prejudice to the terms of the replacement, remaining fees will be refunded as follows

a) If the contract period is less than a month, the daily cost will be calculated at the rate of 168 AED (including the VAT)

b) If the contract period more than one month, it is necessary to notify the first party at least one month before, or to pay one month fee for the early termination

c) In the event that the second party refuses to adhere to the notification period, the value of the service fees will be calculated according to the official prices approved by the Ministry without committing to any offers or discounts


The first party must also refund the remaining amounts due to the second party for the remaining of unused operating period


In the event that the second party wishes to renew the contract upon the expiration date, the service fees announced by the first party will be applied at that time without commitment to any offers or discounts obtained previously

Clause (9): Counterpart Execution

This contract was drawn in three copies after it was signed by the parties, one was received by the first party and the other by the second party, and the third deposited with the Ministry upon request

The First Party

Smart Global Domestic Workers Service Center

The Second Party

The Employer



